educator, RESEARCHER, WRITER, creator

I'm an educator who was born and raised in the North of England, though am often found elsewhere having worked in the UK, El Salvador, Mexico, Myanmar, Spain, Greece, and the US. I'm interested in language learning for adult migrants, and pedagogies of care, solidarity, and critical cosmopolitanism - as well as how humour can be a useful tool in both teaching and research methods.

A PhD graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), I've taught classes on human rights education, refugee education, and school & society. My research uses participatory and visual methods to think about community-based language education for adults seeking sanctuary, and migrant solidarity movements in England.

When not doing something education-related, you'll find me being creative or trying to befriend passing animals. I enjoy painting, photography, and creative writing, and my non-academic writing has been published in numerous outlets including The Times Educational Supplement. 

For collaborations or inquiries, please contact me on the email below.